Helpful Hints On How To Write A 5-Paragraph Essay For High School

High-school teachers have for long emphasized the importance of mastering the art of a five-paragraph essay, in order to strengthen a student’s writing skills. Though there’s considerable debate on whether schools should continue teaching this standard format as they are not found applicable after getting into colleges and other higher education centers. Yet, the practice is prevalent to this day, which means one must know the basics. Since essays come in varied forms, as propagated by teachers, subjects and writing styles, it is worthwhile learning few hints about the five paragraph essay structure. Most importantly, the rules mastered here can actually help in producing some of the best writing assignments in the near future.

  • First paragraph: Introduction
  • A captivating opening line characterizes the first paragraph, which is meant to give some idea about the topic. Another way f getting started is by a little anecdote or quotation or few unrelated sentences bringing the reader’s attention to the topic concerned. For thesis work, there must be a prompt beginning that brings no less than three vital arguments in support of the work.

  • Second, third, fourth paragraphs: Body containing relevant supporting details
  • Usually, three paragraphs constitute the body of the work or essay. All relevant facts, examples, description, statistical details make up this section. The first paragraph of the body should actually help the reader get inside the essay statement and have more information pertaining to the arguments established. If evidences are brought to the fore that supports the argument, it must be seen that there are no mixed reviews but factual information only. In addition to that, quotations that are in tandem with the argument can be utilized for greater impact, provided it is explained well.

    The third paragraph follows the same rules like the first two. One thing that students should learn is wrapping the text in this section so that the body looks complete.

  • Fifth paragraph: Conclusion
  • What is an essay if not summarized well? Not many people know that the conclusion can be the most difficult paragraph to write. It is required to highlight the vital sections of the essay in few sentences that also happens to explain the point stressed throughout the body, but without including anything new.

There are more ideas scattered across the net. A careful study about the rules will help master the hints.

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